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Client for Ringostat API (PHP)
Bitrix Adapter for Phinx Database Migrations
Front-end JS/CSS framework template with most used tools, based on Bootstrap4/BackboneJS
Meiji Solution Bitrix SiteMap generator
Meiji Solution Bitrix Site settings
Pimcore Extension (API classes) for integrate Meilisearch with DataObject model classes
Updated -
Yandex Metrika Offline Conversion PHP Client APIv2
Client for Brizo CRM [https://brizo.ru/] (PHP)
Bootstrap 4 Gulp starter template for small projects
Extendable front-end application
Тихая установка битрикс. Позволяет установить через терминал, не ожидая пошаговой установки через GUI браузера
Bitrix Composer Solutions Manager.